Sunday, June 17, 2012

Samuel Surratt information


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·  ID: I1350
·  Name: Samuel Sr. SARRATT
·  Sex: M
·  Birth: 1708 in Prince George's Co, MD
·  Death: 1775 in Rowan Co - now Davidson Co, NC
·  Note:
ID: I63
Name: Samuel Sr. SARRATT 1
Sex: M
Birth: 1708 in Prince George's Co.,MD
Death: 1775 in ,Rowan Co.,Now Davidson Co.,NC
Burial: ,Rowan Co.,Now Davidson Co.,NC

Father: JOSEPH Sr SARRATT 1 b: 1665 in SOUTH of FRANCE,The American Progenitor
Mother: KATHRINE UNKNOWN b: 1665

Marriage 1 Anna UNKNOWN b: 1708 in ,PRINCE GEORGE'S Co.?,MD
Married: BEF 1730 in ,Prince George's Co.,MD,1st of 2 Mar for Sam1
Divorced: N
Source: 009.001, Paul R. Sarrett, Jr.
1.2 Samuel, 1 SARRATT; 1st Son of of the American progenitor JOSEPH, 1 & Wife KATHRINE (Unknown) SARRATT; born about c1708, [REF: #90 Pg15 in Prince George's Co., MD; died about c1775-8, [REF: #90 Pg48] at the age of 66 years, in the old Rowan County of North Carolina; Burial location Unknown, [no headstone found by this write]r; It's been reported, he married twice, [REF: #90 Pg17 & 48] first, at 23 years of age, Date (Prior to 1732, birth of 1st. Son and Location probably Prince George's Co., NC., to Miss ANN (Maiden Name Unknown); born Unknown; died, prior to 1749 (Based on 5th. Sons birth), probably in old Orange Co., (now Person Co.) NC; She was the Daughter of Unknown Parents; It has been reported that they had Four Sons born to this 1st. union; He possibly Married a second time, Date & Location in Orange Co., NC. (1749 Based on birth of 5th. Son) to the 19 year old (22 years his junior?) Miss HONOUR (Unknown Maiden Name) ; born about c1730 [REF: #90 Pg42], Location Unknown; d. about c1793, at the age of 63 years, in Rowan Co., NC.; Burial Location Unknown; She was the daughter of Unknown Parents; believed to have had one son, born to this 2nd. union;  After the death of her 1st. husband Samuel, 1 SARRATT, she married
[REF: #90 Pg42] a second time, at the age of 55 years, on 06 Jun. 1785, Rowan Co., NC., to JAMES FRAIZER; as his second wife, b. Unknown; d. c1794, Rowan Co., NC.; Son of Unknown Parents; No Issue to this second marriage.
1. 1st. Son: JOSEPH,3 b. c1732 m. c1754 Wife Unknown
2. 2nd. Son: Abraham,1 b. c1737 m. c1762 Wife Unknown
2. 2nd. Son: ALLEN,1 b. c1740 m. c1765 Keshia SUCREE, 11Ch.
3. 3rd. Son: Samuel,2 b. c1742 m. c1759 Miss Elizabeth Unknown
4. 4th. Son: RICHARD,1 b. c1743 m. c1775 Miss Frances Unknown
5. 1st. Dau: Rebecca, b. c1745 m. c1757 Benj. Arendell, Jr.
6. 5th. Son: THOMAS,1; NC b. c1750 m. c1769 Wife Unknown

Samuel, 1 SARRATT, was only 7 years old when his father JOSEPH, 1 SARRATT, died in Prince George's Co., MD. before 21 Feb. 1715, (Record of Inventory of his Estate). He was raised to manhood with his Step-Father WILLIAM LEWIS and his mother KATHARINE (Unknown)  SARRATT LEWIS.
The first record we find is on 13 Mar. 1729, where a Survey was done on some 90 acres of land in Charles Co., MD. Later on 16 Sep. 1729, Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 21, while residing in Prince George's County, MD., applied for a Land Survey for 90 acres?. However, when he received his Land Grant in Oct. of 1731, it was for only 70 acres. This
70 acres was entirely in Charles County, MD. and just below the Prince George's County line and adjacent to RICHARD BEANS'S "Thomas Inheritance", (which his brother, JOSEPH, 2 SARRATT, acquired some 22 years later in 1753) and adjoining John THOMAS'S "Bowling Green" tract. (See Patent Book, #8, Pages 241 & 242, Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD...prs) [REF: #90 Pg7 & 15]
See Appendix 1.4 and 5 for copies of Survey and Royal Grant...prs

Samuel, 1 SARRATT name does NOT appear on the Maryland Rent Rolls or any other records, that could be found by this writer, but he apparently owned and farmed "Bridgewater" Plantation for some 13 years. (1729-1742) When he decided to sell in 1742, he was signified as Samuel SARRAT of Prince George's County, Planter. [REF: #90 Pg15]

In March of 1742, Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 34, sold his "Bridgewater", of Charles Co., MD. property to John KIDWELL, in consideration of 2,900 pounds of Tobacco. It was not until 11 March, 1744, two years later did he receive his payment. Samuel, 1 SARRATT'S, wife ANN (Unknown) SARRATT, told the Court that she was satisfied with the Sale. (Which was the Custom in Maryland, that the wife approves of the land transaction..prs. This Deed was Recorded in August, 1745. [REF: #90 Pg16]

British and the Colonial against the French. The seige of Louisburg, Cape Briton Island, was led by WILLIAM SHIRLEY of Massachusetts.  It surrendered on 17th. Jun. 1745. Samuel, 1 SARRATT, was 37 years old, with a least 4 sons born.

In England called the the 7 year War, 1756-1763, started after the French occupied the uncompleted Post Fort Duquesne [site of Pittsburgh, PA] Col. GEORGE ASHINGTON with Virginia troops clashed with the French at Great Meadows and dug in at Fort  Necessity, withdrew on 3rd. Jul. 1754. At the time of the French & Indian War, Samuel,
1 SARRATT, was 46 years old, with
1st Son JOSEPH, 3 SARRATT age 22;
2nd. Son ALLEN, 1 SARRATT age 14;
3rd. Son Samuel, 2 SARRATT age 12; and
RICHARD SARRATT age 10 years.

Their is no further records of our Samuel, 1 SARRATT in Maryland, but 7 years later, (1751) at age 43, it is believed, he appeared in North Carolina applying for a Lord Granville Grant of land. Its not really proof as to where Samuel, 1 SARRATT lived from the time he made arrangements to sell his land in 1742, and when he shows up in the South Hyco River area (Now Pearson Co.) of North Carolina in 1751 [REF: #90 Pg22]

After Samuel, 1 SARRETT, age 34, sold his property in Prince George's Co., Maryland, he probably followed the Trading Path, originally and Indian trail that went from Fort Henry (now Petersburg, Virginia) westward into Rowan County, North Carolina, where it crossed the Yadkin River at Trading Ford (near Salisbury) which continues to the Indian
Camps of South Carolina and Georgia. [REF: #90 Pg23]

Samuel, 1 SARRETT, age 43 with his 1st. Wife ANN and three young boys, settled in 1751, not to far south of the Virginia boarder in North Carolina and begin to improve, some property on the South Hyco and Double Creeks, then part of Granville County, now can be identified in Person Co., NC.

DEATH OF 1st Wife ANN (Unknown) SARRETT
In [REF: #90 Pg29] states that it is believed that 1st. Wife ANN (Unknown) SARRATT died here in then Orange Co., NC., some time between 1744 and 1749. No record or location of where buried is given, nor headstone can be found by this writer.

After the death of his first wife, Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 41, married a second time about 1749, in the old Orange Co., now Person County, NC., to the young 19 year old HONOUR (Unknown Maiden Name) (No record of this marriage found)..prs [REF: #90 Pg 29 & 48 ]

Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 43 entered for land on 03 Dec. 1751 and this tract containing 422 acres was surveyed on 28 Jan. 1754, and the Land Grant was issued by Earl of GRANVILLE on 13 Nov. 1756 all in now as Person Co., NC. When he first entered and settled on this land, it was part of the Granville District of Carolina Colony.

Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 36 was paid for the tract of land he sold in Maryland, the same year (1744) Earl of GRANVILLE received his new charter. And its conceivable he left for North Carolina soon after his sale. Later by 28th Jan. 1751, he probably followed the Trading Path, originally and Indian trail that went from Fort Henry (Now Petersburg, VA.) were it crossed the Yadkin River and Trading Ford (near Salisbury, NC.) and continued to the Indian camps in South Carolina and Georgia, although Samuel, 1 SARRATT, did not go that far he found what he wanted in the land on the South Hyco river in what later became Orange Co., North Carolina.

Lord of GRANVILLE, John CARTERET, ESQ; His Majefty's Captain-General, and Governor in Chief, in and over the faid Province. To the S U R V E Y O R - G E N E R A L,
You are forthwith to admeafure and lay out, caufe to be admeafured and laid out unto: Samuel Sarratt, a Plantation, containing 422 Acres of Land, in the County of Orange County: Located on both sides of the South Hico: Beginning at a White Oak, the North side of the South fork of the Creek; Then running South crossing the fork, 65 Chains to the Center of Two White Oaks and a Sourwood tree; Then East crossing a prong of
Double Creek, 65 Chains, to the Center of Two White Oaks and a Hickory; Then North crossing a prong of Double Creek, 65 Chains, to a White Oak; Then West crossing South this 65 Chains to the first Station; Containing Four Hundred and Twenty Two acres. Obferving his Majefty's Inftructions for running out Lands: Two juft and fair Plans whereof, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to return into the Secretary's Office, within twelve Months from Date hereof. And if the Warantee fhall not, with in Eighteen Months from Date hereof, take out a Patent for faid Lands, this Warrant, and all Proceedings thereon, fhall be Void; and of no Force; and the faid Land fhall be deemed vacant, and free to be taken up by any other Perfon.
GIVEN at Orange County under my Hand, the 28th Day of January, Annoque Domini 1754   LS/ Lord of GRANVILLE { Seal } LS/ John CARTERET
By his Excellencys Command, LS/ Wm. CHURTONS? Fenner per Sec Sworn Chain Carriers: LS/ LEONARD WILLIAMS LS/ Wm. HELLEY

This first record of exploration of the coastal ares of what is now North Carolina was made in 1524 by the French, two years later, 1526, the Spanish tried to establish a colony, but this effort failed. In 1654 Sir WALTER RALEIGH under a grant from English Queen ELIZABETH 1, headed an expedition to explore and to recommend a suitable place for a colony. This group returned to England with glowing reports of the Roanoke Island area what is now North Carolina, but which was called Virginia. In April of 1585, Sir  RALEIGH sent a group of more than 100 men to plant a colony in "Virginia". Threatened with famine and destruction from hostile Indians, the entire colony left for England on the 9th of Jun. 1586. The next year (1587) Sir RALEIGH sent out another colony, consisting of 121 persons under the leadership of Gov. John WHITE. With in few months Gov. WHITE was "constrayned to return into England" to produce supplies for the desperate colony. After being detained in England by the War with Spain, WHITE returned to Roanoke Island in 1590 to find the colony gone. The fate of the "Lost Colony", has remained one of the most intriguing mysteries in North Carolina history. After about 22 years or so after the establishment of the first permanent English settlement in America at Jamestown, VA., in 1607, explorers from that settlement, began visiting the northeastern portion of present North Carolina, and on the 30th of Oct., 1629, King CHARLES I of England granted to his attorney general ROBERT HEATH, the Province of Carolina" HEATH failed to colonize his vast grant, but traders and explorers continued to come into Carolina from Virginia. The exact date of the first permanent settlement in North Carolina is unknown, but likely to be some time between 1660 and 1662. On the 3rd of April 1663 King CHARLES II of England granted the territory between the 31Deg and 36Deg North latitude lines to eight noblemen, which he renamed to "Carolina" later in 1665 extending the grant to 29Deg and 26Deg30'. The Eastern portion of the Carolinas were being cleared and settled, but not with out problems with the non-resident proprietors over quit-rents and other problems relating to land grants.
From 1689 to about 1711 or 1712 the Carolina region (North and South Carolina) was ruled by a deputy governor in Charleston, South Carolina. It was not until 1712, that North Carolina had it first governor EDWARD HYDE. The colony grew very little from 1712 to 1718, because of the difficulties of the 1708 Cary Rebellion and the Tuscarora War of 1711-1713 (See Tuscarora War... prs) After 1718 the colony grew and prospered. In 1729 North Carolina became a Royal Colony when King GEORGE II purchased the shares of the seven proprietary lords. The eighth share was owned by John CARTERET (subsequently Earl of GRANVILLE, subsequently Lord CARTERET) who refused to sell, and he held this land, known as the GRANVILLE DISTRICT, until the American Revolution, when it was absorbed by the state, but not before after much negotiation , a new charter was prepared for Earl of GRANVILLE in 1744 and the GRANVILLE proprietary was laid out in a contiguous tract in North Carolina that included the tier of counties from the town of Bath northward to the Virginia ; its eastern boundary was the Atlantic Ocean and its Western boundary was never fixed. It is no doubt that Samuel, 1 SARRATT, heard that Earl of GRANVILLE, was anxious to settle his Carolina grant and that the terms were going to be advantageous to newcomers and the acreage would be generous. Earl of GRANVILLE had waited for so many years (since 1663, 88 years),
so when he was able to do so, he was anxious to make things attractive for settlers and he and his agents advertised broadly. This changed with the Revolutionary War, but Samuel, 1 SARRATT, seems to have got in on the ground floor. (Collier's Encyclopedia, with Bibliography; Ed. 1962; Vol 17, Page 622)

The Tax records of 1754, for Orange Co., NC prepared by ALEXANDER MEBANE, former Sheriff, and filed with the Court in Oct. 1754, listed only 1,113 taxable counted and these were all males over 16 years of age, all male Servants over 16, and all Slaves, male and female over 16. Samuel, SARRATT, age 44, was listed with Only two sons
16 years of age, with no Slaves, were listed. This same list prevailed for 1755. [REF: #90 Pg24]

Samuel, 1 SARRATT, b. c1708, age 46
1st. Son: JOSEPH, 3 SARRATT; b. 1732, MD. age 22 (NOT listed with Family)
2nd. Son: ALLEN, 1 SARRATT; b. 1740, MD. age 14 (NOT listed with Family)
3rd. Son: Samuel, 2 SARRATT; b. 1742, MD. age 12 (NOT listed with Family)
4th. Son: RICHARD, 1 SARRATT; b. 1745-9, MD. age 9
5th. Son: THOMAS, 1 SARRATT; b. 1750, NC. age 4

ORANGE Co. SHERIFF, 1753-1755
The Orange Co., Court in Jun 1755, apppointed ARON Van HOOK constable in place of Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 47, so it can be assumed that Samuel,1 SARRATT had probably been appointed constable in 1753 since the normal term was two years. [REF: #90 Pg26]

As mention earlier Samuel, 1 SARRATT, entered for land on 03 Dec. 1751 and this tract containing 422 acres was surveyed on 28 Jan. 1754, and the Land Grant was issued by the Earl of GRANVILLE on 13 Nov. 1756. This 422 acres can be found in the now Person Co., NC. Records can be found in Orange Co., which was formed from Bladen and Granville Counties, in 1752; This property can be found in Caswell Co., which
was formed from Orange Co., in 1777, later can be found in Person Co., which was formed from Caswell Co. in 1791. [This was typed as it appeared ..prs]

NORTH CAROLINA, fi No. _________
GEORGE, the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great- Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom thefe Prefents fhall come, Greeting: KNOW YE, That We, for and in Cnfideration of the Rent and Duties herein referved, have Given and Granted, and by this Prefents, for Us, Our Heirs and Succffors, DO Give and Grant, unto Samuel Sarratt a Tract of Land, containing 422 Acres, lying and being in the County
of Orange, in our Province of North Carolina. Located on both sides of the South Hico: Beginning at a White Oak, the North side of the South fork of the Creek; Then running South crossing the fork, 65 Chains to the Center of Two White Oaks and a Sourwood tree; Then East crossing a prong of Double Creek, 65 Chains, to the Center of Two White Oaks and a Hickory; Then North crossing a prong of Double Creek, 65 Chains, to a White Oak; Then West crossing South this 65 Chains to the first Station.
As by the Plat hereunto annexed doth appear; together with all Woods, Waters, Mines, Hereditaments, and Appurtenances, to the faid Land belonging or appertaining (one Half of all Gold and Silver Mines excepted) to hold him the faid Samuel Sarratt Heirs and
Affigns, for ever, as of our Manor of Eaft- Greenwich, in our County of Kent, in fee and common Socrage, by Fealty only; YIELDING AND PAYING UNTO US, our Heirs and Succeffors, for ever, the yearly Rent of FOUR SHILLINGS, Proclamation Money, for every Hundred Acres hereby granted; to be paid unto us, our Heirs and Succeffors, on the Second Day of Fetruary in each Year, at fuch Places in our faid Province as our Governor for the Time being, with the Advise and Confent of our Council, fall think fit to direct and appoint. Provided always, That in Cafe the faid Samuel Sarrett Heirs and Affigns, fall not, within Three Years from the Date hereof, dear and cultivate, according to the Proporation of Three Acres for every Hundred; and alfo, that if a Minute or Docket of thefe our Letters Patent fhall not be entered in the Office of our Auditor General, for the Time being, in our faid Province, within Six Months from the Date hereof; that then, and in either of the faid Cafes, thefe our Letters Patent fhall be void and of none Effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caufed the Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witnefs our trufty and well beloved John CARTERET, Efg; Captain General, Governor, and Commander in Chief, in and over our faid Privince, this 13th Day of November in the 36th Year of our Reign, Annoque Domini One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty Six. By His Excellencym, Lord GRANVILLE

What kind of country had Samuel, SARRATT settled in? By 1740 only a handful families were reported living along the Hyco, Eno and Haw Rivers, but by 1755 ANSON, ORANGE, and ROWAN counties together held only 3,000 people. It wasn't until the end of the French and Indian War (1754-1763) that emigration from Virginia increased and brought more settlers into North Carolina. Even though Hillsborough, the county seat for Orange County, NC, one of the largest towns in the Piedmont District and it only boasted about 40 inhabitants in 1764.

On the 13th of Nov. 1756, a record shows Samuel, 1 SARRETT, age 48 a Quick-rent list he owned property in Orange Co., NC. It is attached to the indenture and plat Map, that makes it possible to identify the land on existing maps of today. (State Archives, Raleigh,
North Carolina
.) [REF: #90 Pg24]

Samuel, 1 SARRATT, Planter is entitled to property situated in the Parish of St. Matthew in the County of Orange....The yearly rent to be 16 Shillings and 11 Pence....
(In 1977, Researchers and Descendants Norman H. & Laura Sarratt 90 visited Samuel, 1 SARRATT'S Hyco Plantation in the now Person Co., North Carolina. ..prs)

"Armed with our maps, we left the pavement of Route I-166 in Person County, NC. and followed the road out toward the Two Prongs of the Double Creek until the road finally dwindled out in the yard of an old house whose sagging porch was held up by rocks in several places. Near the house were three old tobacco drying sheds made of massive hand hewn logs which looked as though they had not been used in years. An old gentleman, his elderly wife, and 40 year old son lived there as tenant farmers and they came out to meet
us, very surprised at our visit. We sat on their porch and chatted with them and they told us there was an old double-walled log cabin down closer to the creek, but the path to the cabin was overgrown with brambles and bushes, and the 40 year old, son, who was
suspicious of us from the start, said there were snakes down there and it would be dangerous for us to try the hike. We decided there was something he didn't want us to see, and the strong smell of liquor on his breath, despite the fact it was Sunday morning, made us wary and we prudently declined the old man's offer. Ever since then we have regretted our cowardice. What if we had gone down the bramble path and found "S.S." carved into one of the old logs?" In the Sep. 1757, Court of Orange Co., NC. they qualified LAWRENCE THOMPSON as Sheriff, with JAMES BOWIE and Samuel SARAT were qualified as Under-Sheriffs. [REF: #90 Pg26]

The BOWIE family was a prominent family in Prince George's Co., Maryland. It is not unreasonable to assume that these two families emigrated together...prs

Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 50, appears three more times in the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sesions, Records of Orange Co., NC. March, 1758 Samuel, 1 SARRATT...proved a Bill of Sale, for a Negro man from John ROGERS to THOMAS ERSKINE. June, 1758 ROBERT ALSUP was accused of stealing a saddle and bell from Samuel, 1 SARRATT and was told to stand trial at the next Court. December, 1758 the Debtors Court listed JAMES CARY, Jr. Vs Samuel, 1 SARRATT. No disposition of these cases could be found, may had to do with Samuel'S duties as Under- Sheriff. This 1758 Court entry, is the last record found of Samuel, 1 SARRATT in Orange Co., North Carolina. It is believed that Samuel, 1 SARRATT, at the age of 50 years, relocated again to Rowan Co., which now is the Southern part of Davidson Co. North Carolina.

The next record found, is in 1765, Rowan Co. NC (Now reformed into southern Davision Co...prs) lists the 57 year old Samuel, 1 SARRATT, as being paid for bring in woolfs, panthers, and cat's. Because of the lack of money due to difficulty in collecting taxes. This period was the beginning of the revolt against unfair taxes by the farmers who called themselves Regulators, and many of them had agreed to skip paying taxes until a better system was evolved and honest collectors were employed. (Minutes of Court of Pleas & Quarter Session, Rowan County, North Carolina; 1764, II:615) [REF: #90 Pg28]

Amoung others Samuel SARRATT is credited with bringing in "4 catts" for which he was entitled to 10 Shillings and 8 Pence. WILLIAM MEBANE claimed bounty on the same list. The Clerk was ordered by the Court to pay four-fifths of each claim. We can never be sure why Samuel, 1 SARRATT, age 56 now left his second home on the Hyco river of the old Orange Co., NC. and moved southwest to Rowan Co., NC, but there are strong indications he did. He had only to continue on down the Trading Path to reach this part of the state (now southern Davidson Co., NC). If he did leave, why would an older man want to leave his plantation for land less settled?  Perhaps he moved further south with his younger sons in their quest for property. One of Samuel, 1 SARRATT'S sons JOSEPH, 1 SARRATT, remained along the South Hyco in Orange Co., NC., as a substantial landholder, which probably included his father's original property, no record has been found that the elder Samuel, 1 SARRATT sold it.  It appears that most of the SARRATT family came to Rowan Co., NC to the area that is now in the southern part of Davidson County along the Yadkin River. [REF: #90 Pg28]

 It is believed that Samuel, 1 SARRATT resided along the Yadkin River in old Rowan Co., (now southern Davidson Co.) NC., for some 15 years 1756 to 1771. Then he just continued on down the Trading Path to the old Tryon Co., NC. where he died some
5 years later about 1775. No record of Samuel, 1 SARRATT, as owning land in the
old Rowan Co., NC. from to 1756-1771 by this writer...prs

The next record found is on __ March 1771, land was Surveyed for Samuel, 1 SARRATT/SURRATT, age 63 some 250 acres and his 3rd son Samuel, 2 SARRATT, Jr. , age 29 some 200 acres. On 14 Nov. 1771, they, both received Land Grants No. 3195 and No. 3187 from the then Royal North Carolina Government, the JOSIAH MARTIN Royal Governor (1771-1775) Both Samuel'S probably had entered prior to the 1771 Survey, because it was customary for persons to improve land by erecting some kind
of a dwelling to live on prior to filing their Survey or Grant. () From the CROWN To: SAML. SURATT on 14th of November 1771, 250 acres of land in Tryon County, State aforesaid.. On the West Side of the Broad River.. Joining the river bank... Near JOEL
From the CROWN To: Samuel SURATT on 14th of November 1771, 200 acres of land in Tryon County, State aforesaid.. On the West Side of the Broad River.. Joining cource of the Sd. River (A point) ... Near the mount of a branch. (Page 699)

As above mentioned this property was original in what was called Tryon County, of North Carolina, when the SARRATT'S originally moved there in 1770. At that time this area was in the jurisdiction of North Carolina In the boundary dispute between the two Carolinas in 1772, which was called the "New Acquisition" the residents of this area
were forced to re- register their property with the Colony 0f South Carolina. This property was then located in the Nity-Six District of South Carolina (formed 1769) Then in 1785, it became part of the Spartanburg Co, South Carolina. Later when Cherokee Co. was formed in 1897 from Spartanburg, Union and York Counties and today, this
property can be found in Cherokee Co., SC.

From the CROWN To: SAML. SURATT on 14th of November 1771, 250 acres of land in Tryon County, State aforesaid.. On the West Side of the Broad River.. Joining the river bank... Near JOEL BLACKWELL'S tract. (Grant 410, Bk 20, Pg700)

From the CROWN To: Samuel SURATT on 14th of November 1771, 200 acres of land in Tryon County, State aforesaid.. On the West Side of the Broad River.. Joining cource of the Sd. River (A point) ... Near the mount of a branch. (Grant 63?, Bk20 Pg700)

The first settlement was in the spring of 1670, along the Ashley River and was named Charles Town after King CHARLES II. Ten years later the colonist moved to the present location of Charleston (as the name was written after 1783) on the peninsula between the Ashley and Cooper rivers. By 1680 the settlement had 1,000 to 1,200 people; by
1700 it had  nearly 16,000. For 50 years South Carolina, theoretically was united to North Carolina, but was actually a separate colony under a series of deputy governors appointed by the proprietors. These men, of course, major interest were their superiors in England, which came first; they harried the colony for money crops and quick-rents and vetoed many of the early measures passed by the Carolina elected assembly. The Carolina colonists felt that they had insufficient support against the Indians and pirates and felt that they would dare better under direct rule of the king. In 1719 the Carolina Colonist sent the last proprietary governor home with the request that the king take over the colony.   
        JAMES MOORE served as governor until 1721 when King GEORGE I sent Sir FRANCIS NICHOLSON as Royal Governor. In 1729 Carolina became two royal provinces of North and South Carolina. For some 46 years, under royal rule South Carolina grew and prospered. Because of the economic prosperity South Carolina enjoyed as a royal province, it seperated reluctantly from Great Britin in 1775. However,
as early as June of 1775, the colony voted to raise Colonist Troops for the Revolution War; in September the royal governor was forced to flee; and six months later a state government was established.  On May 23rd, 1788 South Carolina, became the 8th state to ratify the United State Constitution. (Collier's Encyclopedia, with Bibliography;
Ed. 1962; Vol. 21, Page 395)

Tryon Co., NC. was formed from Mecklenburg Co., on 10th Apr. 1769. It was named in honor of WILLIAM TRYON, governor of North Carolina, 1765-1771. The boundary between Tryon & Mecklenburg was established in 1774. S.R. XXXIII, pg769
Witness: LS/ Samuel SARRATT, Sr. Witness: LS/ Samuel SARRATT, Jr. <.....3rd Son of Samuel, Sr. Witness: LS/ John SARRATT <.....1st Son of Samuel, Jr.

In [REF: #90 Pg48] list the death of Samuel, 1 SARRATT as "died about 1775, in North Carolina" but no record soarce given. The death of 1775, has not been verified by this writer, nor the location. No record has been found of Samuel, 1 SARRATT, leaving a Will or where he is buried, in the then Tryon Co., NC... the above 08 Aug. 1774 in Tryon Co., NC. is the last record of Samuel, 1 SARRATT, Sr. the search goes on...prs

Source & Reference Notes!
[REF: #0009.002]
LDS-Ancestral File # AF94-101821
Teri Jo Williams
19010 Caballero Dr.
Apple Valley
, CA. 92308
Lot's of bad Info.
[REF: #0009.003
LDS-Ancestral File AF97-114594
5825 Merriewood Dr.
Oakland, CA. 94611
Listed 2 Samuels,
2 Richards,
1 Thomas (s/o 2nd wife ..prs)

Rebecca SARRATT 1 b: ABT 1730 in ,Granville_ Orange_ Caswell,Present day Person Co.,NC
Joseph SARRATT 3 b: 1732 in Bridgewater Plantation,Prince George's Co.,MD
Abraham SARRATT 1 b: 1737 in Bridgewater Plantation,Prince George's Co.,MD
Samuel Jr. SARRATT 2 b: 1742 in Bridgewater Plantation,Prince George's Co.,MD
Richard SARRATT 1 b: 1743 in So HYCO PLANTATION,Granville_ Orange_ Person Co.,NC

Father: Joseph SARRATT b: 1665 in South of France
Mother: Kathrine ___ (wife of Joseph SARRATT) b: 1665

Marriage 1 Honour ___ (wife of Samuel Sr. SARRATT) b: 1730 in Caswell Co - now Person Co, NC
  1. Has No ChildrenThomas SARRATT b: 1750 in So. Hyco Plantation, Granville-Orange-Person, NC

Marriage 2 Anna __ (wife of Samuel Sr. SARRATT) b: 1708 in Prince George's Co, MD
  • Married: BEF. 1730 in Prince George's Co, MD
  1. Has ChildrenRebecca SARRATT b: ABT. 1730 in Granville-Orange-Caswell - present day Person Co, NC
  2. Has No ChildrenJoseph SARRATT b: 1732 in Bridgewater Plantation, Prince George's Co, MD
  3. Has ChildrenAbraham SARRATT b: 1737 in Bridgewater Plantation, Prince George's Co, MD
  4. Has No ChildrenAllen SARRATT b: 1740 in Bridgewater Plantation, Prince George's Co, MD
  5. Has ChildrenSamuel Jr. SARRATT b: 1742 in Bridgewater Plantation, Prince George's Co, MD
  6. Has ChildrenRichard SARRATT b: 1743 in So. Hyco Plantation, Granville-Orange-Person, NC

updated June 2004

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