Moroni M. Green Life History
Taken from
“Historical And Biographical Record Of Los Angeles & Vicinity”
Moroni M.
Green. The history of M.M. Green, a
veritable “forty-niner” and for more than three decades an honored citizen of
Los Angeles, possesses much interest to the general public and to those
acquainted with this sterling pioneer, for it breathes froth the dauntless
spirit and hardihood of character, under the most trying circumstances, of
frontier life, which has been the secret success as a nation. To him and to all possessing his strong
traits and unswerving integrity of should every right-minded person should do
homage; especially should this be true of the younger generation, now entering
into the fruits of the labors of there heroic spirits who paved the way to the
prosperity and peace which we now enjoy as a people.
A son of Charles C. Green (typo?), a
native of New York, our subject was born in the town of Pike, New York,
November 8, 1835. He removed with his
father’s family to Nauvoo, Illinois, when he was six years of age, and in 1843,
they located at Montrose, a town on the west bank of the Missisippi river,
nearly across from Nauvoo. Three years
later the family located in Ferryville, now know as Omaha, Nebraska, and in
1848 Asa M., the twenty-three year old brother of our subject, died and was
buried on the hill west of town.
On the first day of May 1849, the family, which now
consisted of eight members, started on the long and perilous overland journey
across the plains. Small pox was
devastating the land and at the place where the Greens crossed the Big Elkhorn
River they learned that three or four hundred of the Omaha Indians who had died
with the dread plague the previous year were buried, and the Green children
picked up innumerable trophies at the Indian burial ground, bears’ teeth,
birds’ claws, beads, etc. As the
immigrants continued their journey they at last came to the Platte River, and
were two days in crossing that stream, on account of quicksands and deep holes
in the bed of the river.
Among the Blacks Hills, whither their road next led,
a part of Sioux Indians overtook them, and one of the braves tried to buy
little Catherine Green, offering a pony in exchange. So determined was he to possess the little
maiden for his squaw that he followed the cavalcade for several miles before he
abandoned the quest.
At Fort Laramie, the Greens stayed two or more days,
that their faithful oxen might rest, and thence the part proceeded toward
Pike’s Peak. Camping at Devil’s Gate, M.M.
Green and some of his boy companions explored the grim, gloomy canyon, and
decided that it was rightly named.
The next incident remember by him occurred on the
Sweetwater, when he and one James Smith strayed from the train with the idea of
catching some fish. They leisurely tried one pool after another, will little
thought of how the afternoon sun was gradually sinking in the west, and
suddenly they awoke to the sense of possible danger. Dusk was closing in upon the lads, and the
grewsome howling of wolves and coyotes
became more and more frequent. Somewhat
alarmed, they hurried along the trail, but could see othing of the wagons, and
two of the great gray wolves of the plains now confronted them. The boys had not weapon save a small
smooth-bore gun, suitable only for squirrels or rabbits. Our subject had not lived in the west without
learning much of the wisdom of the frontiersman, and when his comrade urged him
to shoot one of the beasts he demurred, saying that if the other wolf should
thus get a smell of blood their own lives would certainly pay the penalty. Needless to say, the lads gave the road to
the gaunt animals and made a wide detour.
Wolves are cowardly, save when in large numbers, and though they watch
the boys closed for a sign of weakness
or wavering upon their part, they did not attack them. Luckily for the children, they soon found a
fresh wagon track, and following it away from the main road they reached a
camp, where they were welcomed and cared for through that night. In the early morning they were found by their
fathers, who had been searching for them, and thenceforward they had strict
injunctions not to leave the wagons. One
of the causes of their anxiety had been the huge fires burned upon several
mountain peaks, and it was feared that the Indians of that region were thus
signalling to one another, and that they were on the war path.
That last time that the Greens had to cross the
Sweetwater they had another experience never forgotten by them. It had now reached the first of December, and
one evening one of the dreadful sudden blizzards and heavy snow storms of the
great northwest swept down upon them.
Within an hour six inches or more of snow had falled, and if it had not
been that a thicket of willows near the camp afforded slight protection to
their cattle, they must have perished.
The one wagon could not contain the eight members of the Green family,
so after stowing away the mother, girls and youngest son, the father said to his
elder boys, “We must make afire in the willows and do the best we can through
the night.” The cattle also hovered as
close to the bonfires as possible and if it had not been for this fore-thought
on the part of the father, who kept up a good fire in spite of the storm, it is
doubtful if daylight would have found men or beasts alive. A coop of chickens attached to the wagon was
so filled with snow that several of the occupants were frozen. The snow was do deep at points on the summit
of the Rockies that other wagons and teams had to come to their assistance, but
at the length Salt Lake City was reached, late in December.
The father determined to remain there until spring
and located about ten miles south of the city named, and eventually he stayed
there, buying a small farm on the Cottonwood river and building a house and
making other improvements. He died in
Salt Lake City in 1885, at the ripe age of seventy-five years. His wife, whose maiden name was Emmaliza Ellis,
and who likewise was a native of New York State lived to attain her sixty-sixth
year. They were the parents of sixteen
children, only four of whom are now living.
A brother of our subject, A.M. Green, continued on his way to California
the winter of 1849-50 and when he had made arrangements for his family, who had
been left with his father, he returned for them, and was accompanied west by
his brother Nathaniel.
Our subject was very anxious to go, too, but his
father objected strongly, and when the youth persisted in talking of California
the elder man promised him a regular “horse-whipping” if another ward was said
by him on the subject. The stern and
unflinching severity of his generation prevailed, and when one day long
afterward, in January 1853, he unfortunately overheard his son talking to the
mother about California he carried out his threat, and of course, thereby
endeared himself to his son that the latter resolutely determined to lave home
at the first opportunity and told his father that he should do so. In February 1853, Ben Holliday and a Mr.
Warner, who were in partnership, were to start from Salt Lake City for
California, and hearing that he might go with them as a teamster, Mr. Green
made arrangements with them. He told his
mother of his plan and quietly slipped away from the little church just before
time of dismissal on a certain Sunday.
The party which he was to join was to camp that night at a point
twenty-five miles north of Salt Lake City, and thus he had thirty-five miles to
cover that peaceful Sunday afternoon, but he reached the camp about six or
seven o’clock.
The next day
the party proceeded towards the Weber river and then, finding that the water
was very high, they were compelled to go to the “upper” ford. Here, too , they foresaw unusual danger and
spent two days in raising the wagon boxes and making things secure, ere they
tried the ford. A man named Williams,
whose wife and five children were traveling in a small family wagon with a low
box, refused to take advantage of Mr. Holliday’s kind offer to let the woman
and little ones cross the river in one of his high, strong freight wagons, and
when half way across the swift current capsized the Williams wagon and the word
went from one to another that six persons were drowning. Young Green was about one hundred yards from
the river, attending to his team.
Without taking time for a second thought he yelled to his information to
take charge of the horses, and away he ran, throwing aside his clothing as he
ran, and only stopping to pull off his shoes.
In the meantime one Rodney Badger, reputed to be one of the best
swimmers in Utah, had leaped into the stream and after swimming about half a
mile, had apparently become so thoroughly chilled and confused that reason must
have left him, for the spectators saw him suddenly turn and desperately begin
fighting with the swift current, as he strove to swim upstream. In a few seconds he sank and was seen no more
until his body was recovered the following spring. Our subject, who was a fine athlete, ran
along the bank for about a mile and a half, through willows and brush, clothed
only in his undergarments, a bitter cold sleety rain beating upon him. At last he caught a glimpse of the perishing
ones and heard a heartrending cry—some figures were still clinging to the old
wagon box which had lodged against some obstruction near a time island about
fifty yards form the shore. Perhaps a
dozen men stood upon the high bank looking on, and they regarded the breathless
young man with cold curiosity as, without
a word or question, and with deep contempt in his heart for the cowards,
as the thought them, he plunged into the icy current and swam boldly to the
rescue of the helpless ones. Not all
heroes are crowned with laurel and awarded medal s of honor, but the heroic
struggle which the brave youth made that day to save human lives is worthy of
being inscribed in the annuals of his state and country. He reached the unfortunates, and, after
considerable effort, managed to convey them, one by one, to the island. Every one of them was nearly insensible with
fright and cold, and the first thought of Mr. Green was that a fire must be
kindled as soon as possible, but, of course, he had no matches, and was himself
so stiff and exhausted with the cold and ordeal through which he had passed
that he dared not attempt to swim to shore and back again in that
condition. He shouted again and again to
the “cowards” on shore, hoping that one of them would muster up the courage to
make the trip, while holding a package of matches by his teeth or tied on his
head to keep it dry. No one responded to
his entreaties, and then he implored them to wrap a stone and some matches in a
cloth and throw it as far as possible.
This was tried, but in vain, as each time the bundle dropped into the
flood. Another hero now appeared on the
scene—a humble “red-haired Jim—who came running and at once acted upon our
subject’s suggestion , and with the invaluable matches, swam to the island and
assisted in making a fire. The poor
children were so nearly frozen by this time that they singed their hair trying
to get warm over the blaze. Only three
of them had been saved, for two little had been swept by the current past the
men standing on the bank and none of them had dared to risk his life in an
attempt to save them. When Mr. Green reached the shore he found that some one
had stolen his clothes, but his loss was more than made good to him by
“Captain” Hopper, the head of the train.
Floods and various obstacles had so delayed the
train that provisions were becoming extremely scarce and peril on that score
threatened. At the head of the Humboldt
river mutiny gained strength in the camp and revolvers were used to intimate,
and one day seventy five of the men deserted, starting on foot for California,
another squad of twenty-five or thirty following their example the next
day. Thus the train was so crippled for
men that it was necessary to send to Carson City for others. Mr. Green accompanied a little party and was
supplied with three days’ provisions only.
He had hoped (as did his comrades) to overtake a train, but failing to
do so, was entirely without food for three days and nights, though traveling
all the time. When he reached Godby’s
train he was so weak and starved that they gave him only a cracker and a little milk at first. After remaining with these kind friends in
need for a couple of days he toiled on with his comrades, and just before
crossing the fifty-five mile stretch of desert before them they filled their
four quart canteen with water, and this had to last them until they arrived at
Ragtown, on the Carson river, on the further side of the desert. Starting at about 3 o’clock one afternoon
they traveled steadily until four o’clock the next morning, when they were so
exhausted that they lay down to rest on the sand. When they awakened their eyes were rejoiced,
for, in the distance they beheld the beautiful river, which meant a renewal of
life to them.
The privations and hardships through which young
Green had passed had made inroads upon his strength, and the cholera now tried
to finish his career. A kind-hearted
woman, whose husband was engaged in freighting provisions over the mountains,
nursed the young man and thereby saved his life. When he had recovered in part her husband
offered to furnish a horse or mule and provide all necessarities if Mr. Green
would accompany him and aid in driving the pack mules on the trip towards the
west. The proposition was agreed to, and
thus the invalid was spared many of the hardships incident to crossing the Sierras
on foot. A portion of his journey to
Sacramento was made on foot, as his employer did not go the entire distance,
and on the Fourth of July, 1853, he entered the city, where he remained about
three weeks. He them worked on a levee
for $75 a month for some four months, after which he was employed at Mocalama
Hill, where a reservoir was being constructed.
It was not until August, 1855, that Mr. Green
started for San Francisco, where he soon embarked on a schooner bound for San
Pedro, paying $25 for his passage. He
was then conveyed by stage to Los Angeles, the fare being $25. Doubtless he was not highly impressed by the
adobe village, for he took only one meal here ere he began making arrangement
to leave. Finding that the Stage fare to
San Bernardino was $20, he, with his four companions, decided to walk, and soon
after reaching that point he bought fifteen head of horses and pack mules,
paying there for $150. With his friends
and Ed Hope, who carried mail from San Bernardino to Salt Lake City, Mr. Green
set out for his parent’s home on the old Cottonwood, by way of Bitter Springs,
Kingston Springs, Las Vegas, Little Muddy, Mountain Meadows (where the massacre
subsequently took place), thence through Iron county, Fillmore, Peyson City,
Springville, Provo and Lehigh. The
parents of Mr. Green were delighted to see him again after his long absence,
and many other friends welcomed him back again.
31, 1856, our subject married Miss Sarah Jane Morris. Their son, A.M. Green of
this city, was born in Utah, April 25, 1858.
A son, Charles, died in Carson City, Nevada. Mary Ellen was born in Brighton, California
August 4, 1860. Alice C., born November
20, 1866, died January 13, 1867, and was buried in Fillmore City. Emma Jane and Emma L., twins, were born
August 25, 1868. The latter died the
same day, but Emma Jane lived until November r, 1878.
A.M. Green enlisted as a member of the California
National Guard, in Eagle Crops, June 9, 1880, was promoted to the office of
first sergeant June 4, 1884, and was honored with the commission of captian and
adjutant on the staff of the commander of the Seventh Regiment, N.G.C. January
3, 1886.
In 1857, the year after Mr. Green’s marriage, the
Mormon troubles and outrages were at their height. The Mountain Meadows
Massacre, the martial law proclaimed by Brigham Young, the so-called governor
of Utah, and the resistance offered United States troops by the followers of
the head of the Mormon Church made life in that section anything but peaceful
or enjoyable. Mr. Green proved himself
as brave and loyal a citizen to his country as he had ever been, and indeed
risked his life and property by offering his services to the government in the
building of Fort and Camp Floyd.
In April, 1859, he started with his family for
California, and reached Brighton, Sacramento County, in June. For the next four years he engaged
in farming and teaming, and carried supplies to Gold Hill, Carson City, Silver
City, White Pine and many other mining towns and camps. August 30, 1863, he took his dear ones and
went to Idaho, spending that winter in Salt Creek. He then bought a load of butter, eggs, bacon
and flour and sold his stock in Montana at high prices, bacon and ham bringing
$1 pound, eggs 75 cents a dozen, and flour $20 per hundred-weight, but just
before it sold for $1 per pound. Gone
from home for six weeks, he made about $1,200 by his trip.
In July of the same year he bought a lot in Paris
City, Idaho, and built a house upon the property, and in 1865 he purchased a
toll bridge across Thomas’ fork. He also
owned about three hundred and twenty acres of land situated some seven miles
above Montpelier. Buying and selling
beef, butter, and other necessaries to those crossing the plains, he prospered,
but his wife was not content to dwell there, he sold out everything in
1866. Common earthen ware plates and
knives and forks brought fifty cents apiece, and $150 was paid for a small cook
stove. On their way westward, the family
spent a portion of the winter in Deseret, Utah, and early in the spring resumed
their journey to Sacramento. There Mr.
Green rented a farm, and as freighting rates had become so low he decided to
buy a threshing machine, and this plan he carried out successfully.
In 1869 the Green family came to Los Angeles, and
had but $20 after the expenses of their trip had been met. They camped near the corner of Sixth and
Pearl Streets, and in 1870 Mr. Green took up a tract of government land, some
eighty acres, on section 12, township 2 South, Range 14 West.
In 1876, after six years of residence there, he was
put off the property by “Billy” Roland, the Sheriff, but after twenty years of
law suits he compromised for twenty acres adjoining town. He then rented the Cottles ranch, two miles
south of the city, on Vermont avenue, and in 1881 bought the place at the
administrator’s sale. He had made of it
a beautiful homestead.
In 1895, he erected a cottage, in which he expects
to spend his declining years in the peace which he richly deserves.
Politically he is a Democrat, and for four years,
beginning with 1880, he was sent as a delegate from Santinella precinct to the
county convention.
{by J.M. Guinn, A.M. Sec. Of The Historical Society
of Southern California. Cahpman
Publishing Company, Chicago, 1901. Pg
848-852. Los Angeles Temple Genealogical
Library, 979.473 H2g Accession Number 1142.}
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