Information from the Greene web Page
Jacob Job GREENE
19 Dec 1751 - 10 Jan 1838
BIRTH: 19 Dec
1751, Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island [4987]
DEATH: 10 Jan
1838, Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York
Father: Charles GREENE
Mother: Elenor GREENE
Family 1 :
1773, Rhode Island
1.+Allen Madison
2. Elenor GREENE
Family 2 :
1780, Rhode Island
1. Johnson GREENE
Family 3 : Sarah JOHNSON
1. Eleanor GREEN
[NI43202] Mentioned in his grandfather's will; received $1
The second source lists his mother as
Elenor, James Greene's first wife. A Job Greene was found in
the Rhode Island State Census Reocrds
of 1782, living a few houses down from Obadiah Johnson,
father of Sarah Johnson. Census records
show one son under 16 and one daughter under 16 (Allen and
Elenor). Obadiah Johnson identified an
Allen Greene and Elenor Greene as his grandchildren in hi
will of 1791; no parents were identified. The
only daughter who could have married Jacob or Job Greene is
Sarah Johnson, and she is deceased by
the time Obadiah Johnson's will was written in 1791. Job
Greene is identified as Lt Job Green of the
Continental Army. Job served in the battle of Sullivan's
Expedition in New York. This expedition utilzed
regiments from other states. While residing in OCventry,
Kent County, Rhode Island, Job Greene
served with the Rhode Island troops as follows: From 1 May
1775, eight months as corporal and
orderly sergeant in Captain Edmund Johnson's company,
Colonel James M. Varnum's regiment in the
summer and fall of 1776, two months as ensign in Captain
WIliam ROy's company, Colonel Archibald
Kasson's regiment; he was commissioned 23 Jan 1777, 2nd
Lieutenant, and served in Captain Malachi
Rammett's company, Colonel Joseph Stanton's regiment; length
of service - 15 months; in sumer or fall
of 1778, two weeks as adjutant in Captain Abel Bennett's
company, Colonel Archibald Kasson's
regiment, and was in General Sullivan's Expedition; the summer
following, one month adjutant in
Captain Abel Bennett's company, Colonel Archibald Kasson's
regiment. Job Greene applied for
Revolutinary War pension in 1832, at which time men named
Allen Matteson son of Job Matteson),
Rufus Johnson and John Greene, all who knew Job since
childhood, gave testimony. (NOTE by Laura
Green: Possibly Job named a son after this Alen Matteson.)
Soldier born December 1751 in Warwick,
Rhode Island and he lived at Coventry, Rhode Island at
enlistment. He lived there a number of years
after the war, then moved to Petersburg, Rensselaer, County,
New York. In 1822 he moved to
Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York. He applied for a pension
their on 9 Aug 1832 and died on 17
January 1838. In 1838, upon Job's death, Job's sons Job, jt
and Johnson Greene gave testimongy (living
in Brusnwick) that they were the only surviving heirs to
receive Job's final pension payment. It is
importatnt to note that Allen, if he were their half
brother, would have been long goneinto the frontier
of western New York (by 1800) and Job and Johnson Greene
would have probably had no knowledge
of Allen's whereabouts. In probate court after Job's 1838
death, Job, Jr claimed to be the only surviving
heir (Johnson had assigned Job, Jr power of attorney.)
Source: Abstract of will of James Greene of
Coventry, Rhode Island from Coventry PR 1:24 by Ruth Wilder
Sherman; Laura Greene ; Charles
Farnsworth, Rhode Island Genealogical Society _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural _FREL Natural _MREL Natural _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
The following two
sources weren’t directly from Jacob Job Greene’s record, just a possible source
to look in for more information about Job……..
[Source: Betty Richmond, Green/e Genealogy, Vol 5, p 25;;
Greene Marriages in Rhode
Island, p 28; Source: "The Greenes of Rhode Island with
Historical Records of England Ancestors" by
Louise Brownell Clarke, Knickerbocker Press, New York, New
York, 1903; Compiled in computer by
Julius A. Jahnke.
Source: Frank L. Greene, p 18, 23; Greene Marriages in Rhode
Island, p 30 Source: "The
Greenes of Rhode Island with Historical Records of England
Ancestors" by Louise Brownell Clarke,
Knickerbocker Press, New York, New York, 1903; Compiled by
Julius A. Jahnke
Notes from James Greene- father of Charles Green- father of
Jacob/Job Greene for the Greene Web Page
18 Aug 1685 - BEF 22 Jun 1771
BIRTH: 18 Aug
1685, East Greenwich, Kent, Rhode Island
1771, Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island
Father: John Robert GREENE
Mother: Abigail D. WARDWELL
Family 1 : Rebecca CAHOON
1717, Warwick, Kent, Rhode Island
1.+Nathaniel GREENE
2. John GREENE
3.+James GREENE
4.+Wardwell GREENE
5.+Isaac GREENE
6. Patience GREENE
7.+Charles GREENE
8.+Othniel GREENE
9.+Jane GREENE
10.+Rebecca GREENE
[NI15082] Received 10 pounds from his father's will. Will
abstract from Coventry PR 1:24. Will made
18 Jun Will proved 22 Jun son Nathaniel: part of homestead
farm and land I have already given him.
son John: part of homestead. son Isaac: 25 acres of
sourthern part of said farm. son James: my right in
Herhoun Swamp and $50 son Wardel: rents of farm I own where
he dwells and afters his death farm
to Occupation: Yeoman his son James; and after his death, 40
acres to his son (my grandson) Phillip
and if Phillip leave no issue to Wardel's son (my grandson)
Wardel grandson Job: $1 his father Charles
having his portion grandson Charles and his brother Othniel:
all my lands in West Greenwich grandson
William: $1 when 21, his father Othniel having sold and
money kept [of] farm in Coventry in
partnership with Stephen Potter to be sold and money kept
for grandson Othniel, son of Othniel
(deceased) daughter Patience Andrew: all her husband and she
owed to me daughter Rebecca
Andrew: $10 and her son James Andrew $5 when 21
granddaughter Almy Johnson: $10 when 18
daughter Jane Andrew: $12 grandson James Green, son of son
Isaac: $5 when 21 grandaughter Abigail
Green, daughter of son Isaac: $1 grandaughter Mary Green,
daughter of son Othniel: $5 Wife
Rebekah: indoor housel stuff and cow, etc. five sons
Nathaniel, James, Wardel, Isaac and John son
James: my beaver hat; rest of apparel to son Wardel son
James Executor signed "the next day aftr the
day and year first abovewritten" witnesses Joseph
Wever, Alice Wever, and Griffen Sweet. Inv. p. 31
includes notes of Benjamite Green for 3-6-1, 2-11-3.5, and
4-18-4.25 In the will he gave $10 to Almy
Johnson, his granddaughter, when she turned 18; there is no
other record of her being related to James
Greene. Almy's father was Elkanah Johnson and her mother may
have been one of James' daughters
whose birth was not recorded and who died before James.
Source: Lora S. La Mance, p 78; Myron
W. Greene; Dorothy Chapman Saunders; Greene Marriages in
Rhode Island, p 16
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