Report regarding the Pension of Frances Kirtland
· · Vol. No. 4759-B,
Session Vol. No.B; Senate Report 4320;
21 Feb 1905
Mr. Carmack, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report to accompany H.R. 16056.
The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 16056) granting a pension to Frances Kirtland, have examined the same and report:
The report of the Committe on Invalid Pensions of the House of Representatives, hereto appended, is adopted and the passage of the bill is recommented.
The House report is as follows:
The beneficiary named in the bill, now 63 years of age, is the widow of George H. Kirtland, who served as sergeant in Captain Gilbreath's company of Alabama Scouts and Guides from July 27, 1864, to May 15, 186_, and who died October 9, 1894.
She was married to him on December 4, 1859, and is shown not to have remarried since his death and to be dependent upon her daily labor for support.
Her claim to pension under the act of June 27, 1890, however, was rejected in March, 1898, upon the ground that the soldier had not been in the military service of the United States, but in a State organization, which was not pensionable under the act of June 27, 1890.
The records of the War Department show that the company in which the soldier served was not mustered into the military service of the United States, but was recognized for pay as part of the military forces of the United States by the act of Congress approved March 3, 1869, and that is appeared from said records that George H. Kirtland served in said company of scouts and guides as sergeant from July 27, 1864, to May 15, 1865, the date of the disbandment of the company.
The organization in which the husband of the beneficiary served having been recognized by the War Department as a part of the United states military forces, it should follow, in the opinion of your committee, that the members of said company and their widows should also be entitled to pension under the act of June 27, 1890, and taking into consideration that the Senate and House have given relief in this Congress to several other members of that organization, like relief is recommended in this case, and the bill is reported back with the recommendation that it pass.
21 Feb 1905
Mr. Carmack, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report to accompany H.R. 16056.
The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 16056) granting a pension to Frances Kirtland, have examined the same and report:
The report of the Committe on Invalid Pensions of the House of Representatives, hereto appended, is adopted and the passage of the bill is recommented.
The House report is as follows:
The beneficiary named in the bill, now 63 years of age, is the widow of George H. Kirtland, who served as sergeant in Captain Gilbreath's company of Alabama Scouts and Guides from July 27, 1864, to May 15, 186_, and who died October 9, 1894.
She was married to him on December 4, 1859, and is shown not to have remarried since his death and to be dependent upon her daily labor for support.
Her claim to pension under the act of June 27, 1890, however, was rejected in March, 1898, upon the ground that the soldier had not been in the military service of the United States, but in a State organization, which was not pensionable under the act of June 27, 1890.
The records of the War Department show that the company in which the soldier served was not mustered into the military service of the United States, but was recognized for pay as part of the military forces of the United States by the act of Congress approved March 3, 1869, and that is appeared from said records that George H. Kirtland served in said company of scouts and guides as sergeant from July 27, 1864, to May 15, 1865, the date of the disbandment of the company.
The organization in which the husband of the beneficiary served having been recognized by the War Department as a part of the United states military forces, it should follow, in the opinion of your committee, that the members of said company and their widows should also be entitled to pension under the act of June 27, 1890, and taking into consideration that the Senate and House have given relief in this Congress to several other members of that organization, like relief is recommended in this case, and the bill is reported back with the recommendation that it pass.
22 Jan 1919
Pensions and increase of Pensions for Certain Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil War, etc.
H.R. 1783. Luella Kirtland, aged 51 years, whose post-office adress is Grove Oak, Dekalb County, Ala., is the helpless and dependent child of George H. Kirtland, late first sergeant and captain, Galbraith's Alabama Scouts and Guides, July 27, 1864, to May 15, 1865.
The soldier never applied for nor received a pension. His widow, Frances, was granted a pension as his widow by special act of Congress approved March 3, 1905, at the rate of $12 per month, which she continued to draw until her death, February 9, 1915.
She and the soldier were married December 4, 1859, and were recognized as husband and wife to the date of his death, October 9, 1894.
Testimony filed in support of this bill indicates the claimant is the soldier's legitimate child; that she has been helpless and dependent (an invalid) since 12 years of age; that she is in practically destitute circumstances, being without means, property, or income, and that there is no one legally bound to her support.
It is, therefore, recommended that her name be placed on the pension roll at the rate of $12 per month.
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